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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Arlen добавлен 16-04 09:06
Just over two years http://fittor.fun/eskimotube/ yourporno Shipworms, a diverse group with the most well-known species in the family Teredinidae, are equally curious. First studied in 1733, because they were devouring the wooden pilings the Dutch used to protect their lowlands from flooding, the naked, cylindrical creatures (which are actually mollusks, not worms) bear a pair of tiny shells at one end of their bodies that they use to grind into wood. They’re the reason that Christopher Columbus abandoned four of his ships on his 1502 journey to the Caribbean. They’ve been found in nearly every ocean basin and from intertidal to hadal (6000 meters below the surface) zones.
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