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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Lindsey добавлен 23-01 01:30
Is there ? http://xnxxxnnx.in.net/vixen-epirner vixen epirner It's our philosophy that dads can be just as nurturing, capable, and confident as moms. I am far from perfect in my role as a father - I lose my temper, get impatient, too structured, don't do the laundry, and fail miserably, often. It's the most challenging job I have ever encountered as well as the most rewarding. I've truly come to embrace my role as an at home dad and realize how fortunate I am to be so actively engaged in my child's life. This is quite different than my own father who was in a generation where dads as "provider" meant earning the money....and never changed a diaper in his life.
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