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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Mackenzie добавлен 10-04 11:01
Do you know what extension he's on? http://vspharyana.com/stmap_64y73v9.html dapoxetine trade name First, the stakes of town hall meetings had gone up dramatically. In the early 1990s, congressional staff worked hard to get people to show up to these meetings. Usually the boss wanted the chance to speak to a room full of people about the work he or she had been doing; these were opportunities to reach beyond the people who turn out at campaign events and win them over. They were also low intensity. Sometimes only 30 people would show up and you often couldn't get the news media to come. So, if the boss made a mistake, cited an incorrect statistic or made an impolitic comment, it wasn't the end of the world.
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