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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Destiny добавлен 08-04 06:41
Incorrect PIN http://fittor.top/asvareya-xnxx/ tik tok boobs shew The rather dispiriting truth of the matter is that the SEC has spent four years and millions of dollars trying to find a someone, anyone, to prosecute in the wake of the financial crisis — and has ended up bringing to trial a guy whose biggest mistake was to display a little too much braggadocio in private emails to his girlfriend. If I were on the jury, I’d be hesitant to find Tourre not guilty, if only because of the synecdoche here: one look at the legal teams is enough to demonstrate that the defendant in this trial is not really Tourre, so much as it is a man standing in for Goldman Sachs as a whole. But Goldman has already settled. So the best outcome, I think, would be for the jury to find Tourre guilty, to fine him $1, and to let him go back to his studies and to the rest of his life. But in order to do that, the jury would probably have to have a reasonably sophisticated understanding of what exactly is going on. Which, quite clearly, they don’t.
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