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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Wyatt добавлен 07-03 07:00
Punk not dead http://xnxx-xnxx.space/dilverdaddiescom/ toprupirno If there's ever a time for shiny, vibrant, luscious hair, it's summer. But your locks may actually take a hit over the next few months. Sun and water can be damaging, leading to faded color, split ends and a brittle, dry texture. "A lot can go wrong," says Gregory Patterson, a stylist and instructor at Blow, the New York Blow Dry Bar. "Hair color is such an investment, and keratin treatments are super expensive. Hopping in the chlorine or salt water can just strip them right out of the hair and cause it to look dull and dehydrated."
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