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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Chester добавлен 05-03 11:46
Where did you go to university? http://xnxx-xnxx.space/pairingoffxnxx/ mavari hookah The new cameras both have on-board Wi-Fi and NFC capabilities for instant image sharing and transfer to compatible smartphones and tablets. The α7R and α7 models can access Sony's platform of PlayMemoriesTM Camera Apps, allowing users to add new effects, filters, utilities and more. This platform includes new 'Multiple Exposure' app, which automatically combines sequential exposures into one creative shot, and 'Smart Remote Control'4, which allows for direct control of exposure and shutter speed from a connected smartphone and is particularly useful for self-portraits or group shots5. Find out more at www.playmemoriescameraapps.com .The new α7 and α7R cameras each have a tough, magnesium alloy build and are dust and moisture resistant for standing up to some of the toughest weather conditions.
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