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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Jayden добавлен 11-01 02:38
this post is fantastic http://xnxxxnxxhd.in.net/ xnxx Despite the caterwauling of so-called civil rights leaders like Al Sharpton of MSNBC and Ben Jealous of the NAACP, not every non-white person in America thinks the verdict unjust. "This case should never have been brought forward. The grand jury should never have been bypassed and Judge Nelson should never have allowed this case to get this far," said Horace Cooper, a former law professor and co-chairman of Project 21, an organization of young black conservatives. "The rush to arrest and indict Zimmerman merely to appease the media or race-based interest groups not only jeopardized Mr. Zimmerman's riights and liberty, but the precedent suggests that all of our rights could be infringed."
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