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Площадка "Стратегия развития ..."

Вопрос от Bernie добавлен 11-01 01:15
Please wait http://xhamster-porn.in.net/ xhamster pictures Draper University, which officially launched this spring, bills itself as a В“school for innovators,В” but it’s really an eight-week infomercial for the culture of Silicon Valley. Its goal is to infect students with the exuberance of tech and make them brave enough to leave a traditional career path for a stint in start-up land. Unlike at most tech incubators, you don’t have to have a company to enroll at Draper U. You don’t even have to have an idea for one. You just have to cough up the $9,500 tuition or, alternatively, pledge a small percent of your income for the next ten years. (So far, only one person has taken Draper up on the latter.)
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